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Melanotan 2 Nasal Spray


Buy Melanotan 2 Nasal Spray

Melanotan 2 nasal, also known as melanin or tanning nasal spray, stimulates the body’s melanocortine receptors. This synthetic peptide mimics the natural hormone to promote melanin production in melanocytes, enabling a tan.

Melanotan 2 15ml – Contains 10mg

Melanotan 2 30ml – Contains 20mg

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441 in stock


Melanotan 2 Nasal Spray

This product is intended for research purposes only. To be used by trained professionals only.

The Melanotan 2 nasal spray is a synthetic peptide designed to stimulate melanin production, imitating a naturally occurring hormone. It has attracted interest in dermatological research for its potential in studying sunless tanning, effects on libido, and appetite suppression.

Useful for research on skin pigmentation, UV protection, sexual health, and appetite control, Melanotan II is a unique tool for developing new therapeutic approaches. It’s also interesting for studies on melanin’s role beyond skin color, including its influence on behavior and physiological responses.

Although not FDA-approved for clinical use, Melanotan 2’s ability to induce melanin production without sun exposure positions it as a key subject for further study in skin health and related areas.

Discover the full potential of Melanotan 2 including its applications, benefits, and the scientific research backing its capabilities on our Melanotan 2 category page.

Key Features of Melanotan 2 Nasal Spray

Sizes and Concentration:

  • Melanotan II 10ml: Contains 10mg of Melanotan 2, ideal for initial research phases or small-scale experiments.
  • Melanotan II 20ml: Contains 20mg of Melanotan 2, designed for comprehensive research projects or prolonged study durations.

Purity: Assured 99% purity, providing a high-quality basis for research endeavors and dependable outcomes in various experimental conditions.

Delivery Mechanism: Equipped with a sophisticated pump action mechanism, this ensures accurate dosing and effective delivery directly to the nasal mucosa. This feature significantly optimizes the bioavailability of Melanotan 2.

Advantages of Melanotan 2 Nasal Spray:

Using a nasal spray for Melanotan 2 helps bypass the digestive system, potentially reducing peptide degradation and increasing its therapeutic effect. This method might lead to a more effective delivery into the bloodstream, improving its ability to promote skin pigmentation and protect against skin damage. For anyone interested in peptide therapies, this nasal spray could be a major step forward in researching skin health and resilience.

Explore our comprehensive selection of peptide nasal sprays here from Direct Peptides


[1] Various Authors: Melanotan II, Methods in Enzymology, 2020 –  https://www.sciencedirect.com/ topics/medicine-and-dentistry/melanotan-ii


DISCLAIMER: These products are intended solely as a research chemical only. This classification allows for their use only for research development and laboratory studies. The information available on our Direct Peptides website: https://direct-peptides.com is provided for educational purposes only. These products are not for human or animal use or consumption in any manner. Handling of these products should be limited to suitably qualified professionals. They are not to be classified as a drug, food, cosmetic, or medicinal product and must not be mislabelled or used as such.

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